Sleep Apnea

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Dentists are not in a position to diagnose a patient with OSA. However, an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat doctor) or a pulmologist can order the necessary tests to properly diagnose for OSA or other respiratory problems.

Ankyloglossia is a restriction of the movement of the tongue due to the attachment of the lingual frenum. The lingual frenum is a small fold of tissue which attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Nasal breathing may be compromised if the tongue cannot properly reach the palate. In these cases, a laser lingual frenectomy can be performed to liberate the tongue from its restricted position and allow for normal nasal breathing. 

Myofuncfional Orthodontics

Causes of orthodontic problems

Soft tissue dysfunction is the major cause of malocclusion (improper bite) and incorrect facial development. Mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, reverse swallowing, and thumb sucking are all examples of incorrect myofunctional habits which are the root causes of malocclusion. These habits limit the child’s cranio-facial development which results in misalignment of teeth and malocclusion.

Limitations of orthodontic treatment with braces

Although braces can align teeth effectively, maintaining this alignment requires permanent retainers for life. In addition, research has shown that damage to the roots (root resorption) occurs in virtually every case. Thus, parents are increasingly questioning the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment with braces.

How Myobrace works

Myobrace works by correcting myofunctional habits in children and adults thereby providing orthodontic corrections often without the use of braces. This technique leads to better facial development. The key to this treatment is correcting the position and function of the tongue in order to obtain correct nasal breathing. Additionally, the Myobrace retrains the oral muscles to exert light forces which will expand the jaws thereby allowing the teeth to align themselves naturally.

Importance of nasal breathing

Nasal breathing allows air to be properly filtered, humidified, and warmed before reaching our lungs.  Our sinuses produce nitric oxide, which, when carried into the body through the breath, combats harmful bacteria and viruses in our bodies, regulates blood pressure and boosts the immune system.

When there is proper oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange during respiration, the blood will maintain a balanced pH. If carbon dioxide is lost too quickly, as in mouth breathing, oxygen absorption is decreased, which can result in dizziness or even fainting.

The continuous pressure exerted on the sinuses via nasal breathing promotes the outward growth of the upper jaw (maxilla), mid-face, and allows the palate to lower and expand thereby providing the space for teeth to properly erupt.

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